空拍機攝影淺談(The Unnamed Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Photography)

空拍機攝影已發展許多年,近來己有愈來愈流行的現象,但缺點是空拍機的相機感應器太小只適合光線良好的環境,如在光線較暗的環境如日出或夕陽時影像會有較多的雜訊,市場上雖也有可攜帶單眼相機的空拍機,但那些都屬於商業用途非在一般玩家使用的範圍, 在此慬來談談一般玩家及業餘愛好者在空拍機操作、影片/照片拍攝及後製上的一些個人的経驗和內容。

目前空拍機的市場上,中國大彊先進(Dji)是全球市場上佔有率最高的產品,Dji空拍機的種類涵蓋了大型商用及一般玩家等各種不同的用途及須求的產品,目前市場上以Mavic pro 、Mavic air 2s 、Mavic mini2等為大宗,至於其他也在市場上有相當佔有率的有Parrot anafi 、美製Autel䓁,近年來空拍機的品牌如雨後春筍般的擁入市場,但大多數使用者均以”遙控飛行”遊玩為大部分,從事業餘或職業攝影的空拍並不多,個人從事攝影多年現則將部份拍攝工作使用空拍,空拍攝影有別於在地面拍攝,從高空的視角呈現的風景影像有更廣闊、立體的效果,現以個人使用及操作空相機在攝影上的心得和経驗簡介分享如下:

The drone photography have been developed for years, and it is becoming more popular nowadays, but because of the small sensor of the drone camera there are more noise in the image, it is good for taking images under bright ambient light but not in the low light situation, such as at dawn and sunset, although there are drones for photography in the market which can equipped with the DSLR camera for high grade images, but they are mainly for commercial use not for the hobbyists and amateur photographers in the consumer market, as a amateur photographer, I would like to share my experience of the drone flying in this area as the follows:

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